Celebrities are blessed with the life that some of us can only dream of living. They have a global fanbase, millions of dollars in their bank accounts, and access to luxuries like private air travel, boat parties, multi-million dollar mansions, and 5-star hotels.
But when it comes to overindulgence, no one does it better than the U2 frontman, Bono, who has earned an incredible amount of fame and fortune from his successful music career. The man has a net worth of $700 million today, so some of his ostentatious spending habits are more than justified.
As much as the mega-star loves to give back to his community by making generous donations, he also loves spending frivolously -- like the time he bought a first-class ticket just for his hat, proving that he's on a completely different level than other wealthy celebrities.
Bono, whose real name is Paul David Hewson, was a member of one of the most well-known English brands, which was founded when the boys were still teenagers. It was drummer Larry Muller Jr. who decided to put together U2 by posting a flyer on the school's bulletin board, inviting students to audition.
It wasn't long before Mullen and the rest of the band members started composing their own music, but it was only in 1977 when they came up with the band name 'U2'. The group found their niche in the rock and roll genre, and they quickly overtook their competition, becoming one of the biggest bands in the world.
The band has also gained recognition for its philanthropic work, often partaking in fundraising concerts and donating to charitable causes. But despite his altruism, Bono's net worth has sky-rocketed to $700 million, a pretty impressive feat for a 60-year-old musician with a pretty solid career to this day.
The man is so rich that he booked his hat a first-class seat just so that it could be delivered to him in time for a big concert. As the story goes, Bono was scheduled to perform at a charity concert in 2003 but when he arrived in London he realized that he left his hat at home.
He quickly asked his team to put the hat on the next British Airways flight and have it delivered to him via a taxi. He was reunited with his beloved hat just a couple of hours before the show, but it cost him $1,500 for the express delivery.